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AgGeorgia Farm Credit is pleased to announce the acquisition of the crop insurance portfolio of Newton Risk Management Agency, based in Waynesboro. As part of the agreement reached with Newton Risk Management Agency, Sid Newton has been brought on to serve as AgGeorgia Farm Credit’s crop insurance agent.
“We are excited to bring aboard a recognized and experienced crop insurance expert like Sid Newton,” said AgGeorgia CEO Rob Crain. “Sid has a diverse and extensive ag background, and having him on our team will no doubt provide added value to our membership.”
With the launch of the crop insurance division, AgGeorgia is now able to offer Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI), Livestock Risk Protection (LRP), Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP), Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) coverage, as well as other federal and private products. Of particular interest to protect members is the Hurricane Insurance Protection-Wind Index, better known as the HIP-WI endorsement.
“In listening to our members, many have requested that we expand our breadth of services to provide more of a one-stop shopping experience,” said AgGeorgia Chief Marketing Officer Corey Cottle. “The deployment of additional products beyond our traditional financing options is a key strategy for AgGeorgia, as shown with the introduction of our home mortgage and leasing divisions in 2022 and now our crop insurance division.”
While the move will streamline service for existing members who obtain both operating loans and crop insurance through the cooperative, it is not a requirement to have a loan with AgGeorgia to obtain crop insurance through AgGeorgia. Members may also obtain crop insurance through any agent of their choosing.
Sid Newton has over 40 years of experience in agriculture, ranging from managing a family farm, cotton gin operations, chemical and fertilizer sales, and ultimately building a successful crop insurance business over the last 7 years. “I very much enjoy being an advisor and helping farmers manage volatility,” said Mr. Newton. “It’s satisfying to see family farms survive hardships such as the recent hurricanes because of crop insurance and effective risk management planning.”
For more information or to reach out to Sid Newton, go to aggeorgia.com/cropinsurance.