Young, Beginning & Small Farmer Loans
Investing in the Future of American Agriculture
Financing for Young, Beginning, & Small Farmers who may need more guidance, downpayment assistance, or special underwriting accommodations to get started.
Loan Eligibility
- You're based in our 79-county service area in Georgia, AND;
- 35 years of age or younger, OR;
- Have 10 or fewer years of professional experience (whether it's in farming, ranching, or aquatic agriculture development), OR;
- You are a small-scale farmer making less than $350,000 in revenue from your agricultural or aquatic products
Why go with AgGeorgia?
Beginning Farmer Downpayment Program
Through a unique partnership with Farm Service Agency (FSA), AgGeorgia and FSA can provide joint financing to give you a long-term fixed rate while keeping cash in your pocket for your growing farm’s needs.
- Only 5% cash down payment
- 30 year term loan with AgGeorgia
- 20 year fixed rate through FSA
- AgGeorgia and FSA combine to finance up to 95%
- Share in our profits through our Dividend Program!
To qualify for the program:
You must have participated in the business operation of a farm for at least 3 years but not operated a farm for more than 10 years, you cannot already own a farm property totaling more than 30% of the median farm size in the county where your farm is located, and you must provide at least 5% of the purchase price of the farm as a cash down payment.
Don’t meet the requirements?
If you don’t meet the requirements for the Beginning Farmer Downpayment Program or the Joint Financing Program, AgGeorgia is also an FSA Preferred Lender! That can help YBS farmers like yourself obtain an operating line of credit or purchase a poultry operation when you may not have the cash on hand or equity to obtain traditional financing, through an FSA guarantee of your AgGeorgia loan. Talk to a Loan Officer for more details.

“AgGeorgia believes in the future of agriculture, in supporting the next generation—they believe in young people.”
Leighton Cooley
Roberta, GA

Dividend Program
When you become a part of AgGeorgia, you're not just a customer—you're an owner. As such, you'll get to enjoy a share of our profits each year.