Farm Improvement Loans
Loans to help expand your operation.
Financing for the purchase of farm improvements, full and part-time farm operations, and more. AgGeorgia has you covered with long-term fixed rate options designed to give you peace of mind.
Offering loans for:
- Reforestation
- Farm buildings, fencing, ponds, wells
- Poultry House construction or refinance
- Rural Home purchase or construction
Why go with AgGeorgia?
- 10 year fixed rates on farm buildings or improvements (lease options also available)
- 20 year fixed rates on land with 80% financing available
- 30 year fixed rates on Rural Home Loans
- Pay no intangible taxes on long-term land financing
- Share in our profits through our Dividend Program!
Ready to talk?
Reach out to one of our Loan Officers by filling out the contact form at the bottom of the page.

"I started working with AgGeorgia in 2015, and they have been instrumental in helping me grow. Without them, I could not farm."
Kirkland Smith
Perry, GA

Dividend Program
When you become a part of AgGeorgia, you're not just a customer—you're an owner. As such, you'll get to enjoy a share of our profits each year.